Organization Details:

Queen's Bush Bluegrass Club Organizations Events

Type: Event Committee

Region: Central Ontario (Area: Ontario & Quebec)

Partner Program Member: Yes, Discount Code: PPBMAC

Organization Admin(s): Donald Breeze


Vern Lawrence

519 374 3150

Owen Sound



Important Note for Queen's Bush Bluegrass Club members.


Your club administrators have decided to participate in the BMAC Partner Program. As an added benefit for being a member of Queen's Bush Bluegrass Club you are entitled to a $5 discount off BMAC's annual Grassroots and Subscription membership fees. This discount will apply upon initial sign up or renewal of the BMAC membership.


More Details:

President(2024): Mike Matejcic -

519 270 3451

Vice Pres.: Reta England

Treasurer: Vern Lawrence



also Donald Breeze  226 668 7971