Mission Statement

The Bluegrass Music Association of Canada is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Bluegrass and Old-time music throughout Canada.


BMAC Goals

To support individuals, groups and organizations involved in bluegrass and old-time music.

To provide leadership and promote education among fans, bands, and artists.

Our specific goals:

  1. The establishment of bluegrass categories in the Juno Awards
  2. Lobbying with other musical genres for changes in US laws to allow easier access to the US by Canadian musicians.
  3. Establishing a national bluegrass awards program not in conflict with any regional awards programs.
  4. Encouraging and helping Canadian bands to showcase at IBMA or SPBMA.
  5. Supporting Canadian bands efforts to perform in other parts of the country.
  6. Seeking grant funding to achieve these goals.


BMAC Volunteers

We thank and recognize the following people who give generously of their time and abilities to help us continue the work of the Bluegrass Music Association of Canada.


Board of Directors

Position Name Phone Email
President Murray Hale 705-848-112 murrayghale@gmail.com

Vice-President Eric Holt ericholt@telus.net

Secretary / Treasurer Dave Featherstone treasurer@bluegrasscanada.org

Membership Mike Higgins 905 567 4708 membership@bluegrasscanada.org

Webmaster Denis LePage 905 933 0541 webmaster@bluegrasscanada.org

Magazine Editor Mike Higgins 905 567 4708 editor@bluegrasscanada.org

Assistant Treasurer Denis LePage 905 933 0541 webmaster@gmail.com

Advertising Mike Higgins 905 567 4708 advertising@bluegrasscanada.org

Director - Hall of Fame Dave Jack halloffame@bluegrasscanada.org

Director Wilson Moore jwmoore@ns.sympatico.ca

Media Director Dennis Casey 705 457 6880 dgcasey1867@gmail.com

Director - Eastern Ontario David Porter 613-282-1149 porterd46@hotmail.com

Director - Manitoba Ed Byard 204-891-8372 e.byard@uwinnipeg.ca

Social Media Carol Boyer cb.thepickshoppe@gmail.com

Director Linda Thorburn lindabanjo@hotmail.com


Magazine Contributors

Position Name Phone Email
Editor Mike Higgins 905 567 4708 mj10@sympatico.ca

Eastern Ontario David Porter 613-282-1149 porterd46@hotmail.com

Alberta region Rhonda Shippy 403-688-1111 getouttheretoo@gmail.com

CD Reviewer Pat Moore 613-794-6301 patmooremusic@gmail.com

Design and Layout Gidget Lowther 250-228-0162 gidgetlowther@gmail.com

West Coast Bluegrass Linda Thorburn lindabanjo@hotmail.com

All Things Dobro Pascal Richard 450-936-4167 pascal_rich@hotmail.com

Down East Region Hannah Stiff (902) 964-2430 hannah@peimandolinlessons.com

All Things Mandolin Ray Legere 506 536 1252 raylegere@eastlink.ca

All Things Banjo Denis LePage 905 933 0541 dlepage99@gmail.com

Contributor Leanne Swantko 519-993-5775 swantko@rogers.com

East Coast Contributor Karen DeCoste 902-220-5351 kardecoste@gmail.com


CD Reviewers

Position Name Phone Email
Reviewer Pat Moore 613-794-6301 patmooremusic@gmail.com